Why track your PMS symptoms?

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a group of symptoms that women experience in the lead up to their period. They begin about 7 days before the period begins and resolve in the first 1-2 days. Symptoms include irritability, fatigue, breast pain, food cravings and headaches. Some women also experience sleep problems, mood swings and brain fog. Up to 75% of women who have a regular period report getting PMS and often it interferes with their work, family and social life. A small group of women experience more severe anxiety, irritability and mood swings. This form of PMS is called Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD).  Getting an accurate diagnosis can be difficult and prolonged, and many women suffer for years before receiving any help. 

The cyclical nature of the symptoms is a key characteristic of PMS and tracking them provides clarification as well as useful data to discuss with a healthcare practitioner. Tracking can also be used in conjunction with hormone testing, although often hormone levels are within normal ranges. When tracking symptoms, it’s best to keep a record for at least three consecutive cycles, and track physical as well as mental/emotional symptoms.

Tracking your symptoms can also help with making decisions about treatment options. Taking a proactive approach can also help to reduce the severity of symptoms. For example, eating a Mediterranean style diet can reduce sugar cravings and improve energy and concentration. There are also some nutritional supplements that have been shown to reduce breast pain and improve mood and sleep. Prioritising self-care during this time of the cycle can also be beneficial. This includes gentle exercise and taking time out to rest. Taking a holistic approach to your period health is vital. Many women report huge improvements in their symptoms by making simple changes to their diet and lifestyle. 

PMS symptoms are common but that doesn’t mean they need to interfere with life every month. Tracking your symptoms may be the first step towards a solution. 


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